Even though Valentine's Day has come and gone, chocolate lovers everywhere are likely still enjoying their sweet treats. Yes when it comes to love, I add chocolate to the mix. Hey, the French say it's good for your heart, right?... View the Post
Waste Not Want Not
We've all heard the saying waste not want not, right? Well, that's a popular saying that takes on new meaning with this next project. I made this little dressform on a bit of a whim. I was surprisingly inspired by... View the Post
Isn’t That Just Grand?
When it comes to embroidered napkins, the possibilities are endless. You can go casual, like I did with my lemon napkins (remember those?) or you can choose a more elegant look, like the ones in this project. I love this... View the Post
A Bucket of Fun with Fabric
I may have mentioned before that I am a sucker for creative storage solutions. I really love "re-purposing" too. It's great to be able to take an ordinary item that's meant for one purpose and use it for something else... View the Post